Elephants By The Lake

Over decades, the dry deciduous forests of our country have been stripped and exploited for commercial use. As native forests receded to only higher elevations of hills, creatures of the forests have also lost their footing in the valley. EBTL lies in one of those valleys. In the foothills of a degraded forest.

These 70 acres now "belong" to us. How wonderful would it be if the other creatures also echoed the same thought? Our goal is to help the forest regain its rich biodiversity . The year we began work, a few elephants came to the land, something that had never happened in the last many decades. We decided to call this project Elephants by The Lake.

EBTL is a collective restoration effort in Tamil Nadu by Rainmatter Foundation. It spans 68 acres of undulating land between a forest and the CT Palli village near Veppanapalli town in Krishnagiri district. The land, home to an old elephant walkway and their waterhole, is surrounded by hills. Many of the valley's slopes and elevations had been flattened by agricultural terraces and bunds.

Photo from EBTL
Photos from EBTL nursery and restored wetlands



Photo from EBTL
Photo from EBTL, August 2022

Project updates

Every quarter, the team publishes a newsletter on the work that has been happening at the site.

If you would like to know more about the project, please e-mail us.